Monday, October 29, 2012

Courtney Love Clothing Collection "Never The Bride"

COURTNEY LOVE has revealed the results of her debut clothing collection. The musician posted several pictures of the range, named Never The Bride.

"This is the stuff that I would wear if I was young enough to not look like Bette Davis in What Ever Happened To Baby Jane," Love told The Huffington Post. "In the hem of all the dresses, there's a ruby and it says c***."
Each piece from the grunge-meets-Victoriana range has been made from repurposed vintage clothing, as showcased by model Chloe Norgaard behind-the-scenes on a shoot for Contributor magazine.

The pieces are very vintage, 1920's flapper lacey grunge, things you would imagine Courtney Love wearing.

According the designer, Never The Bride will be stocked on Net-A-Porter -